| 2025/03/13
| 1.
| Published:
| 丸善出版 , 2023.2 | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Central Library - Central Library - counter, 468.4||Mi |
| 2.
| Published:
| 水声社 , 2025.2 | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 707||I75l |
| 3.
| Published:
| 講談社 , 2009.9 , (講談社 α文庫, [G203-1]) | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 365.35||Ko87s |
| 4.
| Published:
| 人文書院 , 2025.2 | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 701.1||N48a||T |
| 2025/03/11
| 1.
| Published:
| エクスナレッジ , 2024.11 | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 513.1||H12a |
| 2.
| Published:
| 北國新聞社 , 2024.10 | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 369.33||H82t |
| 3.
| Published:
| エーディーエー・エディタ・トーキョー , 2024.12 , (PLOT : 建築のプロセス : Global architecture, 09) | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 520.87||P73p||V.9 |
| 4.
| Published:
| ライブアートブックス , 2024.10 , (正倉院宝物の研究, ) | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 702.17||Y86u |
| 5.
| Published:
| 白水社 , 2024.12 | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 701.1||Ta84u |
| 6.
| Published:
| IBCパブリッシング , 2024.7 | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 291||I11e |
| 2025/03/10
| 1.
| Published:
| 平凡社 , 2025.2 , (平凡社新書, 1076) | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 007.13||Y92a |
| 2.
| Published:
| 水曜社 , 2025.2 , (文化とまちづくり叢書, ) | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 709||Ma81hs |
| 3.
| Published:
| 技報堂出版 , 2025.1 , (日本建築学会設計競技優秀作品集, 2024年度) | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 526||N77n||2024 |
| 4.
| Published:
| 淡交社 , 2025.2 | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 721.9||N38n |
| 5.
| Published:
| エクスナレッジ , 2025.2 | Holdings:
| Checked out,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 597||Ma88j2 |
| 6.
| Published:
| 同成社 , 2025.1 | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 069.1||Ka47k |
| 7.
| Published:
| 桂書房 , 2024.12 | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 721.4||H33r |
| 8.
| Published:
| 表象文化論学会 , 2011.3 , (表象, 05(2011)) | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 705||H99 |
| 2025/03/06
| 1.
| Published:
| 日本産科婦人科学会 , 2004.9- , 2016-2018 | Holdings:
| Loanable,
Medical and Pharmaceutical Library - Medical and Pharmaceutical Library - 1F Medical and Pharmaceutical Books, WP100||N71s||2016-18 |
| 2.
| Published:
| みすず書房 , 2024.5 | Holdings:
| Checked out,
Art and Design Library - Art and Design Library-2F, 723.35||R22w||T |